1. 100% Refund - If cancellation is made 7 days prior to check-in.
2. 50% Refund - If cancellation is made 3-6 days prior to check-in.
3. No Refund - If cancellation is made 48 hrs prior to check-in.
4. Failure to arrive will be treated as a No-Show and there will be no refund.
5. If the guest does not consume benefits included in the tariff, he/she will have no right to claim a refund.
6. Refund would be made within 7 working days to the account from which the booking payment was made.
1. The refund will be made on the basic tariff only.
2. There will be 10% Processing Fee applied.
1. In case you are not able to arrive for some unavoidable reasons, eg. insurgency or pandemic, sudden change in Govt policies & guidelines etc., the bookings can be rescheduled to any date for 6 months at no cancellation charges.
2. You must inform us at least 48 hours before the check-in date.
3. Rescheduling is subject to the availability.
4. You can reschedule for free only once. Second rescheduling will involve 20% rescheduling charges of the basic tariff.
5. We are not limiting you to the same place which you booked. You are free to re-book to any of our homestays across India.
Homestays of India wishes you and your family good health during this difficult time.